The Mindful Surfer
Whether it is surf doubt, ego battles or achy joints - the mindful surfer is an exploration of themes for the everyday ocean lover, beginners and improvers, focusing on mind body and stoke. Our mission - to be a force for gratitude and good vibes - building a community of surfers in an authentic, open, ego-free environment with loads of room for learning, growth, development and of course mistakes! It’s never too late to follow your dream or surf better . Big love - Liam and Will
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Surf Fitness Motivation
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Apart from Will sounding a bit drunk and bunged up from a cold during the week, he asks “are foamie’s worth buying for your surf progression?”. The boys then hash out the various pros and cons.
Liam talks about what he’s done for refent surf fitness gains - in how big an impact his work on land had on his wave count (according to Will “the most waves I’ve ever seen you catch in one hour”!).
In mind, body stoke, Will shares how the FireWire seaside has challenged him to eat a cleaner diet so he can get the most out of his new quiver (but also how it’s messed with his mind being tempted to weigh himself - a habit he NEVER recommends to his clients ironically).
Liam goes onto share how good he’s felt lately from reducing booze intake whilst upping his cardio workouts too. He also goes onto share how his recent gains have challenged his previous lifestyle philosophy and working out how he can strike the right balance between feeling good vs being able to let loose.
Stay stoked guys!
Will & Liam
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Progress your mindset, progress your surfing
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
In this weeks show, we discuss recent surfs and how challenging they’ve been to access energy and therefore wave count and performance.
We then ask the question “which is best for surfing - fuel from carbs or fuel from fat?”
We go onto share how important it is to consider your personal situation and how you like to surf…are you the guy / gal who sits out the back and waits for sets? Or are you someone who froths like a grommet on the inside? The latter surfer is gonna need a LOT more carbs than the former!
We go onto talk about recent surf success - in feeling like Machado (much more than looking like him!!) and how hard it can be to let go of it - in how we hold on to success / joy rather than let it pass (like it needs to!).
In mind body stoke, Will talks about “pre surf routines” and how big an impact they had on his recent surfs. Liam shares how cool it felt to surf super mini surfs (rather than get depleted from 2 hour + sessions)
Stay stoked guys!
Will & Liam
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Delayed gratification, learning and progress.
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Popped hamstrings, chocolate consumption, recent surfs and supplements. Will has been trying the Rob Machado Seaside and Liam has been on a coaching course. We are chatting about delayed vs instant gratification, Flow, reward, learning and progress. All this and more in the latest episode.
Friday Mar 08, 2024
Upgrade your surf motivation
Friday Mar 08, 2024
Friday Mar 08, 2024
In this weeks intro, we discuss the various surf happiness myths of “do a surf trip = become happier” or “get to surf all the time = become happier” - why do we believe they’re myths? Because we adapt as humans and where ever WE go - there WE are!!
We also go onto discuss recent surf sessions and how big a deal Will found getting his board choice right on that session (verses having got it totally wrong the previous day!).
Liam goes onto talk about how much joy he got from that recent session and the why - that he’d gone long enough without surf to regain that massive appreciation when it came around (and that keeping that alive is super important for our overall happiness!).
Loads more gems in mind, body and stoke with some bio hacking form Will as well as some non-surf, surf-media.
Big Love
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Take your surfing to the next level
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
In todays intro, apart from digressing the various nuances of Rob Machado’s pubic hair, we delve deep into what self care can do for your surfing - aka - the better you take care of your body through diet and lifestyle, the better you’ll surf!
So why do we question our boards so much when, really, it comes back to the surfer riding them? Because we bloody love boards and we’re lazy :) :)
Will goes on to share what changing up his quiver has done recently improve his performance in the ocean.
Liam shares his recent insights into “quietening the mind” in busy lineups so you can enjoy your surfing more.
In mind, body stoke, the boys share training philosophy’s for surf performance - in particular Wills experience with clients in seeing that volume of weight training needs to be super low for surfers so you can feel light and loose in the joints (but also strong from compound lifts).
Liam shares what he’s learned about his shoulder rehab recently - diet and training techniques and how much those little tweaks have improved it.
Stay stoked guys!
Will & Liam
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Maximising surfing happiness
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
In this weeks show, Will reveals some of his stories from a recent trip to the canaries and the challenges that were involved…a mix of weird “good surf vs shit surf” forecast expectation anxiety that builds pre surf!
The boys then go onto share their thoughts on board choices - in how much they affect that sweet spot between performance and joy factor…and how incredibly challenging (and interesting) it is to navigate that journey regarding volume, rocker, fin choice etc etc.
in mind body stoke, Liam goes on to share his thoughts (and feelings) on how he’s been managing his recent shoulder injury with diet, lifestyle and mindfulness exercises.
Will shares his insights on how big a challenge expectation was for his holiday and how he had to flip his mindset in favour of deeper qualities to a trip (rather than just solely focusing on the surf).
Stay stoked guys!
Will & Liam
Friday Jan 12, 2024
How to feel more stoked
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
This week, our intro is all about our biggest ambition as surfers - happiness. Happiness in the ocean, in our health, love lives - all of it! What ever we do on land affects our performance (and joy) and vise versa.
In mind body Stoke, Will covers why integration of wellness habits is so much more powerful than waiting til (waiting til the gym, waiting til the yoga class etc) - to use this exact moment to do a small thing that can lead to big gains over time.
Liam goes on to share his insights on his January “reboot” and why surfing is awesome for creating a mirror for your level of self care - Mother Nature takes no prisoners and will hand you your ass if you’ve not put the work in on land.
Stay stoked guys!
Will & Liam
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Overcoming surfing plateau
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
This week, we dive deep into board choice - what it does for your surfing and why it’s so important to keep updating your quiver as often as you can.
We then delve into what holds surfers back from progression and then what to do about it…with mind work, body work, evolving your boards, who you surf with, where you surf - we really go round the houses of nuance so we can get more from the ocean!
In mind body Stoke, Will talks about the benefits of fasting for life and surf performance - dispelling some of the myths around how to get the most from your body.
Liam also shares his insights on diet in how much better he feels from removing processed foods whilst also trying to enjoy the occasional treat to enjoy the social aspects of food & drink.
Stay stoked guys!!
Will & Liam
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Surfline BS & Oneill Sponsorship!
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
In this weeks show we intro on.our oneill wetsuit obsession and reveal all with recent escapades with their wetsuits and sponsorship!!
We also go onto what Surfline forecasting has done to our heads - the good, the bad and the ugly , in how to navigate “the future” as a surfer looking for that next dopamine hit.
In mind body Stoke, Liam shares recent fitness discipline challenges and how he’s learned to dial it back in because it’s worth it and it’s all about building momentum.
Will shares his recent use of a ‘TENS’ machine or “shock wave therapy” which shuts off the pain signal to the joint and how beneficial it’s been for his ankle.
Stay stoked guys!
Liam & Will
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Pre Surf Motivation
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
In this weeks show, we intro on boards (as per!) which leads onto our recent surfs and how we’ve been finding our boards, minds and bodies - Will riding his new 7’6 mid length and Liam still trying to get the most out of his 5’5 Hydra.
We also talk about the philosophy of a) how you’re surfing now and b) how you’d like to surf in the future - and finding the balance between accepting your basic physical limitations whilst also being ambitious about what you can do to create a new future - better turns, less pain and more time in the water!
In mind body Stoke, we cover Wills recent 72 hour fast and what benefits it delivered. Liam also talks about how to stay on track when you fall off the wagon of good diet and exercise to try and move away from “health perfectionism”.
Stay stoked guys!
Will & Liam